Part 4 - Water Piping

CH Loop This boiler is provided with a CH pressure relief valve that complies with the ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV (Heating Boilers). The included 30 psi CH Pressure Relief Valve must be installed at the top of the boiler, using the included pipe adapter and grommet, as illustrated below. DO NOT install a relief valve with a pressure rating in excess of 50 psi - the maximum allowable operating pressure of the boiler. The relief valve capacity must exceed the BTU/H input capacity of the boiler. To

DHW Loop (Combi Models) The DHW piping must be provided with a DHW pressure relief valve that complies with local codes, but not less than valves certi ed as meeting the requirements of Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems, ANSI Z21.22 / CSA4.4 by a nationally recognized lab that maintains periodic inspection of production listed equipment. A DHW pressure relief valve is not included with the boiler, and is to be eld supplied and installed in the DHW piping. DO NOT install a DHW relief valve with a pressure rating greater than 150 psi - the maximum allowable operating pressure of the boiler’s DHW circuit. After installing the relief valves and lling and pressurizing the system, test the operation of the valves by lifting the levers. Make sure the valves discharge freely. If a valve fails to operate correctly, replace it with a new relief valve. The relief valve capacity must exceed the BTU/H input capacity of the boiler. To avoid water damage or scalding due to relief valve operation: • Discharge line must be connected to relief valve outlet and run to a safe place of disposal. Terminate the discharge line in a manner that will prevent possibility of severe burns or property damage should the relief valve discharge. • Discharge line must be as short as possible and the same size as the valve discharge connection throughout its entire length. • Discharge line must pitch downward from the valve and terminate at least 6” above the oor drain, making discharge clearly visible. • The discharge line shall terminate plain, not threaded, with a material serviceable for temperatures of 375oF or greater. • Do not pipe discharge to any location where freezing could occur. • No valve may be installed between the relief valve and boiler or in the discharge line. Do not plug or place any obstruction in the discharge line. • Test the operation of the relief valve after lling and pressurizing the system by lifting the lever. Make sure the valve discharges freely. If the valve fails to operate correctly, immediately replace with a new properly rated relief valve. • Test relief valve at least once annually to ensure the waterway is clear. If valve does not operate, turn the boiler “o ” and call a plumber immediately. • Take care whenever operating relief valve to avoid scalding injury or property damage. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE GUIDELINES COULD RESULT IN FAILURE OF RELIEF VALVE OPERATION, RESULTING IN POSSIBILITY OF SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY DAMAGE, SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY, OR DEATH. WARNING

install the pressure relief valve proceed as follows: 1. Remove the plastic cover on the top of the boiler. 2. Remove the nut on the ow pipe.

Figure 18 - Remove the Caps

3. Insert the pipe and gasket.

Figure 19 - Insert the Pipe

4. Connect the pressure relief valve and gasket.

NOTE: To maintain an airtight seal, ensure the gasket boot is properly tted into the top of the boiler cabinet.

Figure 20 - Connect CH Pressure Relief Valve


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