Part 5 - Venting

2. If using the right side connection, remove the gear clamp from the left side connection and install it on the right side. See Figure 33.

G. Exhaust Vent and Intake Pipe Installation



You must cut out the plastic on the air intake connection being used before installing the air intake pipe. Failure to do so will result in improper boiler operation, property damage, severe personal injury, or death.

1. Use only solid PVC, CPVC, or stainless steel pipe or a Polypropylene vent system approved for use with Category IV appliances. ABS pipe material may be used on air inlet piping only . 2. Remove all burrs and debris from joints and ttings. 3. When using PVC or CPVC pipe, all joints must be properly cleaned, primed, and cemented. Use only cement and primer approved for use with the pipe material. Cement must conform to ASTM D2564 for PVC and ASTM F493 for CPVC pipe. NOTE: DO NOT CEMENT POLYPROPYLENE PIPE. 4. Ensure the vent is located where it will not be exposed to prevailing winds. 5. In all roof venting applications, exhaust discharge must point away from the pitch of the roof. 6. If the exhaust vent is to be terminated in a walled o area (such as a roof with a parapet wall), ensure the exhaust vent terminates a minimum of 10’ from nearest wall and extends level with or above the top of the wall. This will ensure ue gas does does not get trapped and possibly recirculated into the intake air pipe, which could contaminate the combustion air. 7. To prevent water leakage, install adequate roof ashing where the pipe enters the roof. 8. If it can be avoided do not locate vent directly over public walkways, driveways, or parking lots in climates where freezing conditions are possible. Condensate could drip and freeze, resulting in a slip hazard or damage to vehicles or machinery. 9. Due to potential moisture build-up, sidewall venting may not be the preferred venting option. To save time and cost, carefully consider venting installation and location. 10. Horizontal lengths of exhaust vent must slope back towards the boiler not less than ¼” per foot to allow condensate to drain from the vent pipe. 11. Do not terminate vent where vapors can accumulate and harm people or pets. 12. When it can be avoided, do not terminate vent where vapors can damage shrubs or plants. Such damages are not covered by product warranty. 13. Moisture in the exhaust gas will condense as it leaves the vent terminal. In cold weather this condensate can freeze on the exterior wall, under the eaves, and on surrounding objects, including shrubs. Some discoloration to the exterior of the building is to be expected. However, improper location or installation can result in severe damage to the structure or exterior nish of the building, and increase the opportunity for vent blockages and nuisance shutdowns. 14. In vacant chimney applications, install and seal a rain cap over existing chimney openings. 15. All piping must be fully supported. Use pipe hangers at a minimum of 4 foot intervals to prevent sagging of the pipe where condensate may form. 16. Do not use the boiler to support any piping. 17. Ensure the outdoor exhaust vent and intake pipe terminations are screened to prevent blockage caused by debris or birds. Vent screens are included with this boiler. 18. Maximum Snow Level Determination: These installation instructions reference snow levels in establishing a minimum height for the installation of exhaust vent or air intake All joints of positive pressure vent systems must be sealed completely to prevent leakage of ue products into the living space. Failure to do so could result in property damage, serious injury, or death.

Figure 33 - Remove the Clamp

3. Insert the air intake pipe until it touches the bottom of the tting. 4. Tighten the gear clamp using a screwdriver. See Figure 33.

Figure 34 - Air Intake Pipe Installed (Left Side Installation Demonstrated)


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