Part 13 - Troubleshooting

Display Error code

Possible cause based on priority

Error Type

Error Description

Possible Remedies

Normal operation Reset button pushed more that 5 times in 15 minutes. Power problem / defective PCB

Turn the power o and on then tap the reset button reset the error.

Too many (> 5) resets in 15 minutes (1) Turn O the Power to the Boiler

Blocking (Auto Reset) (1)

3 04

Check the reset button for sticking. If the boiler is online ensure a remote user is not resetting the lockout, Replace the PCB.

Reset the error by tapping the Reset button.

Blocking (Manual Reset)

Test for proper voltage and grounding. Switch the boiler OFF and ON at the main electrical power sup ply. If the problem persists replace the main PCB.

3 05

PCB internal error

Power problem / defective PCB

Reset the error by tapping the Reset button.

Incorrect outdoor sensor wiring

Disconnect the Outdoor sensor from the PCB and reset the error.

Blocking (Manual Reset)

3 06

PCB internal error

Test for proper voltage and grounding. Switch the boiler OFF and ON at the main electrical power sup ply. If the problem persists replace the main PCB.

Power problem / defective PCB

Reset the error by tapping the Reset button.

Blocking (Manual Reset)

Test for proper voltage and grounding. Switch the boiler OFF and ON at the main electrical power sup ply. If the problem persists replace the main PCB. Check ame sensor and ame probe wire for damage, replace ame sensor. Inspect the ame sensor and Main PCB for water damage or corrosion. If the condensate drain was blocked and the chamber ooded, dry the chamber and ame sensor . If the Flame probe wire is good and the ame sensor has been replaced, replace the PCB. The service reminder has been set and the time expired, service the boiler and reset the timer. Menu 8.5.2. If using a room sensor reconnect it. If not using a room sensor set menu 4.2.1/5.2.1/6.2.1 = 0 or 1 or 3. Inspect wiring on the BUS connection for shorts or damage. PCB connector CN24 pin 11-12. Ensure the zone control is correctly wired and the wires are in good condition. Check the wiring to each room sensor. If using a room sensor reconnect it. If not using a room sensor set menu 4.2.1/5.2.1/6.2.1 = 0 or 1 or 3. Inspect wiring on the BUS connection for shorts or damage. PCB connector CN24 pin 11-12. Ensure the zone control is correctly wired and the wires are in good condition. Check the wiring to each room sensor. If using a room sensor reconnect it. If not using a room sensor set menu 4.2.1/5.2.1/6.2.1 = 0 or 1 or 3. Inspect wiring on the BUS connection for shorts or damage. PCB connector CN24 pin 11-12. Ensure the zone control is correctly wired and the wires are in good condition. Check the wiring to each room sensor. If nothing is wired to the BUS connections, replace the PCB. If nothing is wired to the BUS connections, replace the PCB.

3 07

PCB internal error

Power problem / defective PCB

Damaged ame probe or ame probe wire.

Water damage

Blocking (Manual Reset)

Flame detection while bur ner is o

3 09

Flooded combustion chamber

PCB internal fault

Sched. Maintenance-Call for Service

3 P9

Normal operation


External P.C.B.’s

Room sensor not present

Blocking (AUTO Reset)

Bus wiring damaged

Room sensor circuit open or short circuit Zone 1

4 11

Zone control wiring pro blem

Damaged PCB

Room sensor not present

Blocking (AUTO Reset)

Bus wiring damaged

Room sensor circuit open or short circuit Zone 2

4 12

Zone control wiring pro blem

Damaged PCB

Room sensor not present

Blocking (AUTO Reset)

Bus wiring damaged

Room sensor circuit open or short circuit Zone 3

4 13

Zone control wiring pro blem

Damaged PCB

If nothing is wired to the BUS connections, replace the PCB.


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